Qi Zhang
Email: qzhang384@wisc.edu
Qi Zhang is a second year PhD student in the Human Development area of Educational Psychology. She previously received her BA in social work from Beijing Institute of Technology. After graduating, she decided to focus on people’s mental health and attended the Peking University Health Science Center as an graduate student and received MS in applied psychology in clinical direction.
Zhang, Q. & Li, J.J. (2020, April). Parenting, Executive Function and Child ADHD: A Multiple Mediation Model. Poster accepted at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association in Chicago, IL.
Zhang, Q. & Li, J.J. (2020, August). Parental Behaviors and Child ADHD: Mediation via Child Inhibitory Control and Working Memory. Poster accepted at the 2020 American Psychological Association Annual Convention in Washington, DC.