Fangli Xia

Fangli Xia is a graduate student in the Learning Sciences area working with Dr. Mitchell Nathan in the Mathematical Action & Gesture in Instruction and Cognition Lab. Her research interest focuses on embodied cognition and design in the domain of mathematics education. More specifically, she is interested in examining the role of embodied actions including gestures in mathematical thinking both in and out of pedagogical contexts. She is also interested in the role of representations including drawings and diagrams as well as computer simulations in supporting mathematics learning. Prior to attending UW-Madison, she graduated with a M.S.Ed in Learning Sciences from Indiana University Bloomington.
M.S.Ed. Learning Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington, IN, 2017
M.S. Ideological and Political Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 2012
B.S. Ideological and Political Education; Psychology, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 2009