Julie Johnson
Email: jchunt2@wisc.edu
Julie Johnson is a doctoral student in the Human Development area of the Educational Psychology program of UW-Madison. During her Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis Master’s program at Ohio State University, she examined service-learning as a catalyst for college student moral & cognitive development. She presented at the NASPA region IV-E conference in 2009 where she integrated service-learning research with development theory to examine and critique undergraduate service-learning courses and proposed better theory-to-practice programming.
Seeking hands-on leadership programming experience, Julie served as an AmeriCorps member working with a conservation program aimed at developing civic engagement among young adults. She also served as an instructor at Indiana University’s Outdoor Education Center facilitating leadership development, group development, and personal growth programs in outdoor challenge settings for children and adults of all ages.
A growing curiosity in non-violent conflict resolution and peace studies brought Julie to UW Madison’s Human Development program to work with Dr. Robert Enright – an academic leader in moral development and forgiveness education. Julie is currently working on various research projects aimed at understanding the developmental nature of forgiveness.
- Hunt, J.C., Kim, J. & Enright, R. (2013, November). Cross-cultural analysis: The Enright Forgiveness Inventory in Ukraine. Poster presented at the annual Association for Moral Education conference, Montreal, Quebec.
- Hunt, J. (2014, May). Because after all, a person is a person, no matter how small. Healthy Classroom Symposium.Lecture conducted from University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.