Human Development Research Emphasis and Training

During their graduate training students progress through a series of research experiences designed to build their research prowess and identify a programmatic line of research.

First Year Project

Small-scale empirical study conducted the first year, often as part of the faculty advisor’s ongoing research. May serve as a pilot for the Masters thesis project. Results are often submitted for publication or presented at scientific meetings of major research organizations (e.g., APA, AERA, SRA, SRCD, Cognitive Science Society). Students present their findings in a First Year Research poster colloquium in the Fall of their second year.

Master’s Thesis Project

More involved empirical study that begins to define the student’s specific area of research. The objective is to have students prepare a report of findings that is publishable in a reputable scientific journal. The student’s advisor and two other faculty members selected by the student mentor the student in this project.

Doctoral Dissertation

This project clearly identifies a student’s primary area of research and should serve as a “launching pad” for successive research activity after completion of the doctoral program. Five faculty from within and beyond Educational Psychology, selected by the student, oversee this project.

Topics for these research projects may be independent of a faculty advisor’s research, but more often they are closely related to the research program in the faculty advisor’s lab. Students are likely to have additional opportunities to work collaboratively with their advisor or other faculty members on research projects, often resulting in co-authorship of published papers.

Course work in various research methods helps to build students’ competence in various quantitative or qualitative methods of data gathering and analysis. Students also can consult with faculty members from across campus with expertise in a wide array of research strategies.