Katie Eklund

Associate Professor, Co-Area Chair: School Psychology


316B Educational Sciences

1025 West Johnson Street

Madison, WI 53706

Eklund, Katie

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Dr. Eklund is an Associate Professor in the School Psychology Program. She received her doctorate in Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara and her Masters degree in Social Work from the University of Michigan. Prior to entering academia, Dr. Eklund worked in public education for 10 years as a school administrator, school psychologist, and school social worker. She is currently a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and licensed Psychologist. Dr. Eklund currently serves as Co-Director of the Madison Education Partnership, a research-practice partnership between Madison Metropolitan School District and the Wisconsin Center for Educational Research. She also serves as Co-Director of the School Mental Health Collaborative, a center focused on conducting research that informs policy and practice related to the promotion of social-emotional and behavioral success of all students.

Dr. Eklund’s research focuses on school mental health, including early identification and intervention for children who have behavioral and/or social-emotional concerns, social emotional learning, school climate, and school safety. Her current research projects include implementation of universal screening and Tier 2 social emotional interventions in K-12 schools, addressing the social-emotional and behavioral needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students, and examining school threat assessment practices in Wisconsin middle and high schools. Dr. Eklund is also co-author of the Resilience Education Program, a brief intervention for students at-risk for internalizing behavior concerns.


  • PhD Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011
  • MS Social Work, University of Michigan, 2000
  • BA Social Work and Psychology, Valparaiso University, 1999

Select Publications

  • Kilpatrick, K., Kilgus, S., Eklund, K., & Herman, K. (In Press). An Evaluation of the Efficacy of the Resilience Education Program: A Tier 2 Internalizing Intervention. School Mental Health
  • Eklund, K., DeMarchena, S., Rossen, E., Izumi, J., Vaillancourt, K., & Rader Kelly, S. (2020). Examining the role of school psychologists as providers of mental and behavioral health services. Psychology in the Schools, 57, 489-501. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Eklund, K., Kilgus, S., Taylor, C., Allen, A., Meyer, L., Izumi, J., Beardmore, M., Frye, S., McLean, D., & Kilpatrick, K. (2019). Efficacy of a combined approach to Tier 2 social-emotional and behavioral intervention and the moderating effects of function. School Mental Health Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Eklund, K., Kilpatrick, K., Haider, A., & Kilgus, S. (2018). A systematic review of state social emotional learning standards: implications for practice and research. School Psychology Review, 47, 316-326. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Eklund, K., Rossen, E., Koriakin, T., Chafouleas, S., & Resnik, C. (2018). A systematic review of trauma screening measures for children and adolescents. School Psychology Quarterly, Special Issue on Trauma, 33, 30-43. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Eklund, K., Meyer, L., Way, S., & McLean, D. (2017). School psychologists as mental health providers: The impact of staffing ratios and Medicaid on service provisions. Psychology in the Schools, 54, 279-293. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Eklund, K., Kilgus, S., von der Embse, N., Beardmore, M., & Tanner, N. (2017). Use of universal screening scores to predict distal academic and behavioral outcomes: A multi-level approach. Psychological Assessment, 29, 486-499. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Eklund, K., Meyer, L., & Bosworth, K. (2016). Examining the role of school resource officers on school safety and crisis response teams. Journal of School Violence, 17, 1-13. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Kilgus, S., Eklund, K., von der Embse, N., Taylor, C., & Sims, W. A. (2016). Psychometric defensibility of the social, academic, and emotional behavior risk screener (SAEBRS): Teacher rating scale and multiple gating procedure within elementary and middle school samples. Journal of School Psychology, 58, 21-39. Online Publication/Abstract.
  • Mather, N., Goldstein, S., & Eklund, K. (2015). Learning disabilities and challenging behaviors: A guide to intervention and classroom management. Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes Publishing.

Select Presentations

  • Barber, A., Eklund, K., Kilgus, S., Collins, B., DuBose, K., Gregory, B., & Eikenmeyer, M. (2021, February). Moderating influence of student race and ethnicity on the diagnostic accuracy of a behavior screener. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention.
  • Eklund, K., Godfrey, E., Gill, N., Dodge, S., Wadington, M., & Chalnick, H. (2020, October). A systematic review of state school mental health policies and practices. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health, Baltimore, MD.
  • Eklund, K., & Kilgus, S. (2019, February). Universal screening for behavior and social-emotional concerns: Using data to guide intervention. Workshop presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
  • Eklund, K., Ward-Zimmerman, B., Kia-Keating, M., Chafouleas, S., Izumi, J., Kilgus, S., Liu, S., Barnett, M., Sims, G., & Ruth, A. (2018, August). Advancements in early identification of behavioral and mental health risk across pediatric primary care, school, and community mental health settings. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
  • Eklund, K., & Amador, A. (2018, July). School safety, mental health, & trauma-informed care. presented at the National Principals Conference.
  • Eklund, K., & Kilgus, S. (2018, February). Resilience Education Program: A Tier 2 intervention for internalizing problems. Oral Presentation presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual convention, Atlanta, GA.
  • Eklund, K., Oyen, K., & Vaillancourt, K. (2017, October). The Every Student Succeeds Act: Policy and practice implications for school mental health services. Paper presented at the Conference on Advancing School Mental Health, Washington, D.C..
  • Briesch, A., Eklund, K., Brown, J., & Arora, P. (2016, August). Developing a research agenda: Strategies for the early career professional. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
  • Eklund, K. (2015, August). Population-based appraoched for addressing the mental health needs of all students. Keynote/Plenary Address presented at the Student Affiliates in School Psychology (SASP) at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.
  • Eklund, K., Tanner, N., & Stoll, K. (2015, February). Identifying emotional and behavioral risk among gifted and nongifted children. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.

Select Awards and Honors

  • Lightner Witmer Early Career Research Award, Honorable Mention, American Psychological Association, Division 16, 2018
  • College of Education Faculty Leadership Fellow, University of Missouri, 2017
  • Presidential Award, National Association of School Psychologists, 2015
  • Early Career Research Award, National Association of School Psychologists Paul H. Henkin Award, 2013
  • Early Career Research Award, Society for the Study of School Psychology, 2013
  • Early Career Scholar, School Psychology Research Collaboration Conference, 2013
  • Graduate Division Dissertation Fellowship Award, University of California, Santa Barbara, (2009, 2010)
  • PEO Doctoral Scholar Award, Women’s Philanthropic Educational Organization Award, (2009, 2010)
  • Paul F. Henkin APA Grant, American Psychological Foundation, 2009
  • Dean’s Council Scholar, University of California, Santa Barbara, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, 2008